Today morning, my sister and I went to joging at Taman Gelora. Aftere that we go to Teluk
Cempedak's Mcdonalds to eat breakfast. I actually don't like the "Big Breakfast", erh....not delicious at
all, i can't understand why so many people like to eat that....
After that we go for a walk at the beach, we walk over the bridge to another beach name "Teluk
Cempedak 2", cuz the sand at there is softer than "Teluk Cempedak 1 "......And my sister also want to
take some photos by using her new Nikon Camera....

These are the photos that my sister used her camera to take :

These are the photos of "Teluk Cempedak 1". You can see the sand is very rough, but
there are many people like to play at here...

This is "Teluk Cempedak 2". I like here very much.
I think here is more beautiful than "Teluk Cempedak 1"

My sister's Nikon Camera can actually take a
water flowing photo. It is amazing.....

This is a photo that a girl is playing with the wave,
actually that is me. Me play the water until me pant
was wet badly....

Can someone actually tell me what is this , me saw this on the sand
andcall my sister to take this photo. I can't understand what is this???