Today went to recess, cuz im a prefect, so i need to go out earlier than other student.....and when im on the way to the cantin to find T2, me fell down and knocked to the floor and the root of the tree.... n my mouth keep came out wif the blood....and many ppl cum and helped me.....they take me to a place and let me clean my is a little bit painful.....then a student( actually i dunno her name, but she know me) take me to the teacher office.....
My chinese subject teacher and sum teacher came up and asked wat happen.....then my teacher call my mum and told her tat me fell down at school, need to go home.....after tat, teacher take me to in front of Pn.Lee's office and call me to wait for my teacher (Pn. Rosazizan), to cum and joo kun take my beg to me.....and then i tell joo kun to tell anna(T2) and nicole ng(T1) tat me go bac home 1st....cuz they dnt no yet tat i fell down....
After that my mum cum and fetch me to clinic which is a stone throw away from my house, the doctor say i dnt need to "feng zhen", but might hav a little bit "pa hen"....and tmr i no nd to go school.........the doctor also said tat, me cant eat many thing, egg/fish/soft drink and also cnt eat rice wor....and the doctor told me tat dun say so much, if nt the wound would not be better.... haiz .....


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