On the 31th of January, my sis had buy a camera . The1st picture is the camera, and the code is d3100. Me also want one lar.........
And the 2nd photo is my sis playing wif her camera on bed.
The conversation that before i take tis picture:
Me:" Don't move!!!!!!DON'T MOVE !!!!!Don't move har........!!!!! (going to her beg and take out her handphone to take tis photo , cuz her handphone can take a beautiful photo than me)"
Sis:"What happen wor....????!!! (not moving, and her hand is very tired)"
Me:" Aiyo....take photo lar......(taking out the handphone, very hard to find arh!!!!cuz inside her beg got many things)"
Sis : "Then no need take my handphone de arh, can use camera arh ...( want to pass the camera to me)"
Me:" I Say DONT MOVE!!!!!! i want to take the photo that u r holding the camera de, if u giv me ler , how i take photo?"
Sis:" Then u can use ur handphone arh.."
Me:"Oi, whose handphone can take a better photo?"
Sis: "O........(nthg to say ler, cuz hers is better)"

Taking Photo.........................

Me:" War......very beautiful arh......"
Sis:" Wat beautiful, giv me see"
Me:" Wait 1st, i want to send to my phone lar....But the photo that i take is vry beautiful, not u vry beautiful arh!!!!!Don't misunderstood!!!!"
Me:" Hahahahahaha"


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