My tuition teacher are selling STOP RADIOACTIVE badges, my freind and I bought it from my tuition teacher.Those badge are beautiful and it means so much for us , who don't want radioactive be in Malaysia.....

This are the photo of Stop Radioactive Badge:
And a friend of mine, Liew Sin Yi she buy six of them, and she put it all on her pencell case....its cool!!!!I like it very much. Wan Joo Kun and I laugh at her like a crazy girl when she put it on her pencell case......XD
These is the photo that she put all the badge on her pencell case , i use my handphone to take these photo:

This is the front of her pencell case. I put 1 of the badge on the head of the angle, XD

This is the back of the pensell case....erm....nthg to say in this picture


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