I'm a beginner in drawing anime picture, so please don't be too harsh to me. I know my drawing is awful...TT....But I'm just posting it out...hehe

This is my anime art drawing:

This as my first drawing.
The person in the drawing is Sebastian Michaelis (セバスチャン・ミカエリス Sebasuchan Mikaerisu) , He was a Main Character in an
anime name "Black Butler"
He was actually a Demon, I like him very much!!!

This is my second drawing.
The left people is Ikuto Tsukiyomi(月詠 イクト Tsukiyomi Ikuto) , and the right one is Yoru . Yoru is a shugo chara, he was born because Ikuto desire to be free.
These two is the character of "Shugo Chara".

This is my third anime drawing .
The person in the drawing is Rikuo Nura, he is the main character in an anime call "Nurarihyon No Mago"

This is my new handphone:
This phone actually is an old handphones, because i buy it from my sister with 500...haiz....
I really like this handphone, and my sister did not drop it before, it also didnt have any scrath on it, it is still very new.....
My sister will sell her handphone to me, it is because she had buy her new handphone (android) , SAMSUNG Galaxy Mini. It is white in colour.....arh....so beautiful, but it is very expensive.....

Picture of my sis new handphone:

She said she like it because it is white in colour. My sister really love white colour, she said she finally can buy a white colour handphone. It is also android phone....
My tuition teacher are selling STOP RADIOACTIVE badges, my freind and I bought it from my tuition teacher.Those badge are beautiful and it means so much for us , who don't want radioactive be in Malaysia.....

This are the photo of Stop Radioactive Badge:
And a friend of mine, Liew Sin Yi she buy six of them, and she put it all on her pencell case....its cool!!!!I like it very much. Wan Joo Kun and I laugh at her like a crazy girl when she put it on her pencell case......XD
These is the photo that she put all the badge on her pencell case , i use my handphone to take these photo:

This is the front of her pencell case. I put 1 of the badge on the head of the angle, XD

This is the back of the pensell case....erm....nthg to say in this picture

19 of May was my birthday. Hehe , this day had passed, y me still want to write this post??
Actually me also dunno......haha....vry stupid right? Me think so.....haha
This is my birthday cake:
Is it beautiful? My father buy it for me, it is very delicious .....i like it vry much.....
And this picture is taken by my dear sister.....she use her d3100 to take de. As i know that this cake is about more than 40 .....vry expensive.....
Today morning, my sister and I went to joging at Taman Gelora. Aftere that we go to Teluk
Cempedak's Mcdonalds to eat breakfast. I actually don't like the "Big Breakfast", erh....not delicious at
all, i can't understand why so many people like to eat that....
After that we go for a walk at the beach, we walk over the bridge to another beach name "Teluk
Cempedak 2", cuz the sand at there is softer than "Teluk Cempedak 1 "......And my sister also want to
take some photos by using her new Nikon Camera....

These are the photos that my sister used her camera to take :

These are the photos of "Teluk Cempedak 1". You can see the sand is very rough, but
there are many people like to play at here...

This is "Teluk Cempedak 2". I like here very much.
I think here is more beautiful than "Teluk Cempedak 1"

My sister's Nikon Camera can actually take a
water flowing photo. It is amazing.....

This is a photo that a girl is playing with the wave,
actually that is me. Me play the water until me pant
was wet badly....

Can someone actually tell me what is this , me saw this on the sand
andcall my sister to take this photo. I can't understand what is this???

Now i want to share some photo that my sis took with her new Nikon camera at Penang on the Chinese New Year...
The first photo:

This is my family and my relative(actuall not everyone inside , cuz some of my relative stay in Australia can't
get bak to Penang). The old woman in the middle is my grandmoher, she was vry happy that day.

The second photo:

This photo is about buddha statue. This statue is vry big, me n my sis need to go vry far to took this
photo, cuz if too near, we cant took the whole statue.

The third photo:

This is the photo about the Buddhist temple. The Buddha statue is in this temple. Me n my sis call father to took us walk to the temple , n my sis took this photo on the roadside. We need to walk a long time , cuz the temple is on the top of the mountain.

The fourth photo:

I reall love this photo, cuz the rabbit is vry cute. my
sis say she want to buy it,but my mum say can't......(upset)

Did you all recognize this picture??? Yup! this is the head picture of my blog....but it wasn't my drawing, i wish i can draw out this beutiful picture. AAAARRRHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! So ENVY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!