Today, i go to east coast mall, cuz jo ling cum bac from sgp to celebrate her holiday...hahax.....she looks vry sgp lar.....1st, we go n see a movie.....i lik tat movie-------How To Train Your Dragon, tis movie is vry sweet ^^

I walk from east coast mall to megamall wif ming jing, saw jian ming, tey boon kent, chong chang you, pui san, sin yee, liew yong lee, jo ling, florencia and more, but luker n peipei stay in ecm......liew sin yee always say tat we walk on the road not we see the car, but is the car see us.....

Florencia, pui san, ming jing, jo ling.....go bac to the ecm.....cuz peipei 1 person at the ecm to wait the car.....

At there we go to play the bowling.....liew sin yee get the smallest shoe...but still vry big..hahax....when we play the bowling, sin yee fall down...cuz she go inside the place where just for the ball to roll de....all of us laugh at her....hehe....but when she fall down she get 26 score...n the next time all zero....haha....n the tey boon kent always use the wrong way to throw out the ball.....

Yesterday, i go to east coast mall to watch the 3D Alice in Wonderland movie, i lik it but i jz dnt lik the red queen....she is vry bad.....and vry ugly too.....she always kill ppl de......and she think tat she is vry beautiful wor......i jz dnt knw y the boy would lik her....(maybe is lying to her, to save his life)....but at the end the boy want to kill her but cnt ,haha.....

Picture of Alice in Wonderland:

I love this place vry much, i wish that i can live here is vry beautiful...there got mant kinds of animals and is vry beautiful.....

These are the people that alice first met in the wonder land ( actually not the 1st time cuz she already met them when she is young)...the two boys is twins...but i dnt really lik them lar....haha

This old caterpillar is the one who let the alice remember all the things in the wonderland at last (the memory when she is young).....but it is a little bit old lar....hehe but it knw all the thing that will happen in the wonderland when the alice is cum bac here...

This is the red queen, the old, small, big head, ugly ppl.....she fight with her sister and take over the wonderland...i hate her....^^

The white queen's castle:

I lik the white queen's castle it is beautiful and full of flower...and the colour of the castle is favourite colour.....

This is the white queen who is making a medcine for alice to make her into her proper size....she looks lik a old woman...haha...because of her hair....

At last, there is the war with red queen, and she win, and the red queen hav been lock in jail.....and alice went bac to her normal world.....
Monday, the teacher tell me tat me becum the pelatih pengawas....hehe.....but nicole ng nvr gt, TT.....Tuesday, the teacher tell who is ur pembawa....i hope is aw wei xuan and is her ^^ cuz she vry good......wednesday, pn lee giv us the tie want us to wear tie wor......but we r wearing the koko shirt , so no wear lor^.-......Today, my pembawa want me to bertugas at the dewan...suddenly, hav a little bit rain, so we need to let the thing tat can block rain down.....but it is too high so i cnt.... i ask wei xuan:

Paige: wei xuan sis, hw wor....i cnt let it down is too high....
Wei Xuan: Me also cnt get it down.....for me is too high also....Farah, cum here.....let it down!
Farah: wat me again!? (Malay)
Wei Xuan: Yeslah( Malay)
( We r making the thing down)
Farah: Wei Xuan, the thing already broken already lar.....i cnt let the rope down....(Malay)\
Wei Xuan: Wow, u so smart wor....LIK TAT ALSO U CAN DO!?(Malay)
Farah:wat!?i doesnt do anything lar.......(Malay)
Wei Xuan: Do it afterword lar...the rain already stop.....close it 1st....(Malay)
Farah: Me again.....yor....u cnt meh.....
Wei Xuan: me ofcourse cnt lar.....
Farah: +.+
Today afternoon, my dad drive my mum and me to the salon to let my mum make her hair......and my mum call the people to change my hair wor........just only infront....hehe....and today i also go to my father's shop all the workers ask me:

Worker 1: Wah.....Paige, where do you go just now?? go interview some jobs?? (Malay)
Worker 2: Yes loh....where do u go just now??really go interview??interview what job wor??i want to go see you.....clothes, handphone or.........(Malay)
Worker 3: ( watch me like me a tiger) TT
Paige( me): where got wor......this is fashion lar......see my sis wear the same( a little different) shirt as me two go interview for wat!!!!!pls dun noob as my friend tan yong li ok?? (Tan Yong Li, sry cuz call u noob)yesterday, i wear tis shirt to tuition, and he ask me y my cloth so big, and me go interview arh...........(y every ppl say me lik go interview when i wear tis shirt de....TT) (Malay)
Worker 1,2,3: oo, i c(Malay)
Today morning, my brother use my hanf to practise the st.john exam (bandage) vry long time......TT , my hand vry tired.....after my father and mother drive him to the school, me go watch movie in my mum room.....hehe. The movie that i watch is twilight and new moon, very interesting......i like it vry much....this movie i already watch more than 10 times and the books also.....a little bit crazy......In the afternoon, i go to my friend house for a party, at there i saw a twins of dogs, i just know 1 of them call "Donnie", it is the youngest, i like it very much.......At night, i also hav see a vry cute apple handphone.....hehe.....that is my father's worker's handphone.....i borrow from her and then take a picture.....

This is something about the Twilight movies and books:


About three things I was absolutely positive.
~First,Edward was a vampire.
~Second, there was a part of him- and I disn't know how dominat that part might be-that thirsted for my blood.
~And Third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him

*~Twilight(New Moon)~*
I knew we were both in mortal danger. Still, in that instant. I felt well.Whole. I could feel my heart racing in my chest, the blood pulsing hot and fast through my veins again. My lungs filled deep with the sweet scent that came off his skin. It was like there had never been any hole in my chest. It was perfect-not healed, but as if there had never been a wound in the first place.

In the dead silences, all the details suddenly fell into place for me with aburst of intuition. Something Edward didn't want me to know. Something that Jacob wouldn't have kept from me......It was never going to end was it? *~Twilight(Breaking Dawn~Final)~*When you loved the one who was killing you, it felt you no options. If your life was all you had to give, how could you not give it? If it was someone you truly loved?

*~Twilight(Breaking Dawn~Final)~*

When you loved the one who was killing you, it felt you no options. If your life was all you had to give, how could you not give it? If it was someone you truly loved?
Today, i go to the Kuantan Parade at afternoon, my brother ask me to help him to buy a triangular bandage and a roller bandage. When i at the Guardian, i realised that he doesn't giv me the money, then i run up to my father shop and want him to giv me the money. And i go down to the Guardian again, then i realised that he doesn't giv me enough money, so i go bac upstair. When i'm on the way bac to the father shop, i count it again, then i realised tat i count wrong ler......he giv me enough money( hehe....), so i went bac to Guardian. When i want to pay for the bill, the cashier tell me tat, it doesn't enough money, less i need to go bac upstair and take RM1....And now, when i writing tis post, i asked myself why i dunwan to call my brother go to Guardian and giv me the money, why i need to go up and down many time to take the money, and i hav the handphone mar>.<.....hehe.....
Today, me just always reading the chinese novel, and after i tution also like tat, in the car i forgot to get down when i reached my home....hehe=.=.......and im vry tired , cuz me just sleep at vry late night....TT want to sleep again.......haha^^
Today, school got an interview of pengawas, the teacher "Puan Lee" looks lik hav sumthing wrong wif her cuz she smile at us wor..........vry wierd ,look lik hav sumthing tat she want us to do(a bad feeling).........and the other teacher always ask me the same question only>.<>