Today, i go to east coast mall, cuz jo ling cum bac from sgp to celebrate her holiday...hahax.....she looks vry sgp lar.....1st, we go n see a movie.....i lik tat movie-------How To Train Your Dragon, tis movie is vry sweet ^^

I walk from east coast mall to megamall wif ming jing, saw jian ming, tey boon kent, chong chang you, pui san, sin yee, liew yong lee, jo ling, florencia and more, but luker n peipei stay in ecm......liew sin yee always say tat we walk on the road not we see the car, but is the car see us.....

Florencia, pui san, ming jing, jo ling.....go bac to the ecm.....cuz peipei 1 person at the ecm to wait the car.....

At there we go to play the bowling.....liew sin yee get the smallest shoe...but still vry big..hahax....when we play the bowling, sin yee fall down...cuz she go inside the place where just for the ball to roll de....all of us laugh at her....hehe....but when she fall down she get 26 score...n the next time all zero....haha....n the tey boon kent always use the wrong way to throw out the ball.....


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