Monday, the teacher tell me tat me becum the pelatih pengawas....hehe.....but nicole ng nvr gt, TT.....Tuesday, the teacher tell who is ur pembawa....i hope is aw wei xuan and is her ^^ cuz she vry good......wednesday, pn lee giv us the tie want us to wear tie wor......but we r wearing the koko shirt , so no wear lor^.-......Today, my pembawa want me to bertugas at the dewan...suddenly, hav a little bit rain, so we need to let the thing tat can block rain down.....but it is too high so i cnt.... i ask wei xuan:

Paige: wei xuan sis, hw wor....i cnt let it down is too high....
Wei Xuan: Me also cnt get it down.....for me is too high also....Farah, cum here.....let it down!
Farah: wat me again!? (Malay)
Wei Xuan: Yeslah( Malay)
( We r making the thing down)
Farah: Wei Xuan, the thing already broken already lar.....i cnt let the rope down....(Malay)\
Wei Xuan: Wow, u so smart wor....LIK TAT ALSO U CAN DO!?(Malay)
Farah:wat!?i doesnt do anything lar.......(Malay)
Wei Xuan: Do it afterword lar...the rain already stop.....close it 1st....(Malay)
Farah: Me again.....yor....u cnt meh.....
Wei Xuan: me ofcourse cnt lar.....
Farah: +.+


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